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Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Closet

The Shadows


This event happened to me when we had just moved into my

girlfriends grandmas house. It was said to be haunted by a little girl and a man. I personally never experienced or dealt with either. They would say that you could hear a little girl running laughing, stuff like that. There was also said to be a man in the house but will always be spotted out in the back yard. I mean this was just the overall talk and the things that everyone in the house including my girlfriend would tell. I only ever experienced two really bizarre events in the half a year we lived there. One was a really bizarre sleep paralysis episode and the other was a just a weird little thing that happened, me and my girlfriend laugh about it now. which has to do with the whole haunted thing.

It was a month or two into staying with my girlfriends grandma. It was not a weird day or anything it was just normal nice day. My night went as usual playing video games and whatever. Through out the night I would toss and turn and it was weird because I would have those jump scares like in the dreams where you trip and you jump out of the sleep. I was having a lot of those, one after the other and I could swear for a split second that I saw black shadows zip across my vision and out of site, so much that I would try to follow it across the room but it was too quick. It was like I would question myself if I really saw it.  This went on for a couple of hours. Then while dreaming I started feeling an intense tingling feeling like I have described before all over my body. Then the dream I was having started to disintegrate like burn up. The best way I can describe it is, have you ever been watching a movie in the theater and the film on the screen looks like it burns and fades to white like the film rips. Thats what happening in front of my eyes. In the dream I was having I was flying or some shit and then all of a sudden it burned and tore revealing a blinding white light that enveloped me. It was hurting my eyes so I closed them. When I opened them I was back in the room we were sleeping in. I tried to roll over but I couldn't move. I tried yelling and nothing came out, I began to hold my breath to wake up and then the rooms door swung open really fast kind of startling me making me breath in really quick. 

Out of the door frame I see a pitch black head peak around the corner like if they were looking to see if I was there. Then it turns and looks back out out the door like if it was speaking to others. All of a sudden it walks in and following it was another 5 figures kind of marching in around me, it was difficult to distinguished the characteristics or bodily frames I could just see their arms, they were really thin and long. They scattered all around and surrounded me. I was on the edge of the bed with the drop off to my right. The figures to my left were sinking in the bed like dissolving into the bed like it wasn't even there. I looked up and they were all looming over me. I started feeling all tingly again and then I feel weightless. I started to feel a pit in my stomach like when you start going down on a roller coaster and you  feel just a bit nauseas. I realized that I was starting to kind of float off the bed, the ceiling was getting closer and  closer. I was slowly levitating, the figures heads were following me while I was going up, until my body was eye level to them. I stopped right above their heads and they slowly started to walk out but I stayed in the center of them the whole time. It was like if they were all holding me up each having a hand on my back but there were no out stretched arms, just floating there in thin air. 

They proceeded to, lets just carry me, since its seems a little better than saying I started to float away from the bed. They started to carry me out of the room and down the hallway, I turned and faced my girlfriends grandmas room and slowly I started to go towards it. When we approached I saw one of the figures thin creepy arm reach out and open the door. When we walked in I turned my head and saw her grandma laying in bed but she was laying with her head towards the end of the bed which I thought was weird, the tv was on and I could barely distinguish what was on. I kept moving forward and they slowly turned me away from the bed and I ended up facing her the glass closet door and I could see myself above these figures in mid air. One of them slowly put its out stretched hand on the glass its fingers spread, long and it looked like a hand made of twigs, intertwined and rough. It slid the closet door and all of a sudden I started to move upright I was at an angle facing the open darkness of the closet. It looked like a black gaping hole, endless and vast. Then they just threw me into it, it felt like I was gliding through the air in slow motion the pit in my stomach grew more than ever it took my breath away and it made me clench my whole body like if I was flexing without my own will. The darkness started taking me in like it was alive, from my feet going up like it was a presence itself, I had the strangest feeling that it wasn't empty this blackness was alive as it enveloped me. I couldn't see the parts of my body that were being I guess fucking eaten by the darkness. It all happened so fast, as soon as my head hit the darkness I yelled at the top of my lungs and I shot awake. I was sweating profusely, my pillow was damped and I was really nauseas. I ran to the bathroom and was gagging over the toilet, my head spinning. I did not know what the fuck just happened I just sat there in the bathroom floor kind of just zoned out. Trying to take it all in, everything at once. 

That day all I could think about were these events. I couldn't stop thinking about all these things. Well of course I needed tell someone so I told my girlfriend, she really didn't believe me or thought it was just a dumb dream until I told her about her grandmas sleeping positions and she just looked at me in a sort of stunned look. She told me that her grandma sleeps regularly like that, when she told me this every thing kind of went quiet. My body kind of went numb and  I didn't want to believe it. She asked me how I knew that, I insisted that I didn’t, I was just telling her how my sleep paralysis episode went. I promised her that I never went into her grandmas bedroom in the middle of the night while she slept just to see how she slept. Or for any other reason which she or I could not think of. After I told her this she did realize how silly me knowing this sounded and how weird it was that I actually described how she slept in real life.

I thought of everything and could not think of how I could possibly see what I saw. I tried every possible way of explaining this night, but of course I just went with the whole it was just another weird dream and left it at that. It is just a lot easier than trying to debunk it. 

It did take a while typing this because I had to stop and get my wits about me. While typing this I would feel like someone was watching me just a strong feeling of fear. I know  it doesn't make sense but I would feel really jumpy like someone was about to jump out and scare me or grab me. So much so that I would turn around fast and jumpy. Just knowing that someone was behind me. It would just become really uncomfortable thinking about these events and describing it, kind of reliving these moments. So sorry it took so long, please comment and share I love feedback. Thank you everyone you can message me on hangouts or KIK me at danny.alv.602

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