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Friday, August 21, 2015

Night Children

Night Children
Not Very Fun

Well this particular event was really strange for me. The occurrences seemed to happen through out the day leading up to the night. It was a particular weird day, I work at a semi empty building checking doors and exits, offices, computers and stuff like that. Well I usually walk around no problem but this day was strange. While walking around the building I just felt like I was being followed. I kept seeing things in the corners of my eyes, it would be just for a split second but it would make me jump. When I would look left and right I would see figures running behind walls and at times I would be able to look directly at them before they disappeared, creeped me out. Many times they would seem like children. I would shrug it off and try really hard to keep myself from panicking. you know when you get scared and start running and you have that feeling in the back of your neck that someones going to grab you. Well I would start feeling this when I would see something dash behind corners and my body would respond in panic and every nerve in my body would be screaming at me to run. I would just start to hum and started saying to myself calm down, calm down, calm down. I would begin to feel real jumpy for the rest of the shift. I would also hear voices coming from conference rooms like giggling and and I swear I would hear children whispering “sshhhh” as I would walk by empty offices. 
There is actually a big part of the building that I would always be hesitant to go into because it would just feel off. The doors to this section of the building are the kind with little windows like this

Well this section is closed and only a hand full of people can access it, the other people who had access were never really around they were more management type people that would drop in once in a while and not a day to day worker type deal. Well while walking by this particular door I turned to open the door and looked through this window for just a second I saw this little child size black shadow disappear into a wall. It was a split second but I could see it clearly. There before me was this child like dark entity running into a fucking wall, well I never told anyone. I felt like if I said it out loud and it was out in the open that it would make it more, I guess, real. In my own mind and thoughts it could be whatever I want it to be. and now typing this Its still surreal. Its becoming real, but I still tell myself it could've been anything. I believe that seeing stuff from the corners of my eyes can be shrugged off to being tired or my imagination playing tricks on me. I usually go with these two reasons but when I keep seeing stuff over and over again every time I would turn my head it was just getting a little hard to blame it on my imagination. I could not even get a thought in before I would see something else. I would be in the middle of telling myself that it was nothing and then I would see some thing else dash out of sight. 
The whole shift kind of went like this it got to the point where towards the end of the shift I wouldn't even go and walk around like I was suppose to, because I felt like something was waiting for me in the buildings hallways and empty rooms. When it was time to go home walking out of the building, for some reason I was screaming at my self “don’t turn around. don’t look back, don’t look back, don’t look back.” As soon as I left the property it felt like a weight was lifted off of me. I mean I would get creeped out from time to time since it was a semi empty building in the day and completely empty int he after noon after all the employees had gone home for the day, but that was the only reason, it was just creepy being alone and your mind starts reminding you of all the scary movies you watched. It was just a normal scared you know? This day it was just different I genuinely felt fear, and danger. Seeing so much shit running out of sight and only catching glimpses of stuff from the corner of my eyes. Seeing that shadow just terrified me, but somehow I was still trying to playing it off, like that could've been a reflection of my shirt on the glass or some shit not trying to admit what I saw. Any way like I said once I left the property I felt relieved, the drive home was nothing special just a normal drive while I sank into my everyday thoughts. 
When I got into my little town house complex it was around 10:27 p.m. so I drove to my parking space which was the last in the row of spaces and standing there about two car spaces away from me was a little girl, she looked about 4 years old a little older than my daughter. She stood there staring at me, I didn't think anything of it until I realized there was no one else around I looked around as I parked my car and nothing. I slowly started to open my door to get out and she still just stood there. I closed my door, looked at her, and she waived and smiled at me, I went to waive back and she darted behind a car. The only other car parked there other than mine, I stood there thinking her parents were in the red sedan she ran behind two spaces away. Waiting for the car door to open or the little light to come on in the car, but nothing. I stood there kinda forcing a smile and laugh thinking her parents were in the car and they were looking at me, but still nothing. The night was dead quiet, I stood there about 3 min and nothing ever happened, either this little girl was still behind there hiding or some shit like that. So I started walking towards the car but kinda acting like I wasn't really going to check if she was there, kind of like I was already going in that direction, still expecting someone to be there, a parent or an adult you know. So I kinda wandered slowly towards the car trying not to stare directly at it, I reached the front and started passing it, I got to the side where the little girl ran behind and my heart kind of sank. There was nothing, no little girl no one in the car, nothing. I stood there not really wanting to move due to fear. I tried to rationalize it but none of the common bullshit I tell myself was working this little girl or whatever was standing there smiling and waiving at me. I just stood there not knowing what to do, I started to look into the car and it was empty, looked under the car, nothing, and this was a wide open area so there were no corners or building she could run behind if she even managed to slip away without me seeing. I was alone in the parking lot, just not wanting to accept what I just saw, this little girl just vanished.

I walked into my house and obviously my face showed discomfort because my girlfriend asked if everything was ok. I told her everything was ok not knowing if she would even believe me actually seeing something. As the night went on I kinda pushed it into the back of my mind with video games and food. I eventually felt silly about the whole thing and told my girlfriend. She thought it was just weird and kinda didn't really pay much mind to it, so I didn't really go into detail and left it at that. That night went pretty normal I played video games until I was tired. I decided to go to sleep around 2:45 in the morning kinda forgetting every thing that went on that day. I fell asleep quickly and I don’t really know how long I was asleep for all of a sudden I feel that tingly feeling, that white noise all over my body kind of thing that I have explained in my other blogs. I opened my eyes, I was staring at my wall in the same position that I had fallen asleep. I heard my daughters voice right behind me and I went to turn around and I couldn’t. I was paralyzed I wouldn't have been this frightened but I heard what I thought was my daughters voice again right next to my ear whispering “daddy, hi” My whole body was shaking and tingling just pure fear everywhere. I couldn't move I felt whatever it was breathing on me, I was screaming at my girlfriend and trying with all my might to push her, wake her up, something. I was in the middle of screaming when I felt this little hand reach over my face and kind of start playing with my girlfriends hair, who was laying in front of me. The “holding my breath” technique didn't even come to mind because it was just so fucking real. I swear to god I was awake, I just couldn't move. I laid there staring at this little hand touching my girlfriend and feeling some weight on my back. When it stopped playing with her hair the little hand moved to my forehead and started rubbing it whispering “ssshhh” over and over again. I tried rocking, kind of trying to move my shoulder to get her off and it didn't work. Then I felt both her hands grab my head and slowly started turning it towards where she was standing or kneeling on the bed behind me. What was weird was not only was my head turning but my body would turn with it. My head and chest would be staring at the same direction the whole time I was being turned. I tried screaming and stopping myself from seeing what this thing was behind me. I felt hot breath on my neck and then left cheek, until I was face to face with this thing. 
It was in all shapes and forms a little girl, she had light brown hair from what I could tell with the little light coming through the window from the roof light of the town house next to us, her hair came down to her eyes. She looked a little dark skinned, like tan, was wearing what looked like light blue jean overalls, she looked like a totally normal kid until she reached and fixed her hair. She had no eyes, just empty black pits in her face or at least I thought they were empty, she grinned and raised her head and I saw a reflection or glimmer of the light next door. She had pitch black eyes that would shimmer every time she moved. She just stood there looking at me and I yelled with everything I had “get away from me!” She stood there and I heard this dry kind of like a smokers laugh, very deep and just raspy coming form this little girls mouth. Then she said “see you soon” and just bolted for the door running past it and the door just slammed shut. That split second the door slammed it made really loud noise and I shot awake staring at the wall like I had fallen asleep, the loud noise still ringing in my ear. For a minute or two I just laid there not knowing if I heard the door slam in my dream or I heard it for that split second I was awake. It is really hard to explain but it was like the door slammed and woke me up and I also thought I heard like the windows vibrating in the room for a second after the sound ripped me out of my sleep. It was just bizarre. I woke up my girlfriend just to have another person awake and to calm myself down. I don't really remember the excuse for waking her up but it relieved me, and  I just laid there, I couldn't go back to sleep so I just got up and played video games until the sun started to come up. I went back to bed still thinking about what happened just the whole day kept playing itself over and over again in my head. At this point I was just trying to keep my sanity throwing it all to coincidence, it was just simpler. 

I eventually fell back asleep for a couple of hours. That night was actually one of the few  times I could not really tell 100% if I was awake or asleep. I can still see her face, every detail, those big black shimmery eyes and that just evil looking grin, this thing looked satisfied with the amount of fear and just pure terror it was causing me. Maybe it was just saying hi, I don't really know if anyone might have some similar experiences with anything of this nature. Just children of the corn shit. Well thank you for reading if you have any questions or just want to chat I can be found on Hangouts app for Google+ thank you.


  1. Hi. I do not know a lot about the Supernatural but I have been co-hosti g and audio blog for a while now.
    If there have never been entities in your place of employment, you might have brought them. Where did you get them? I wager from your bag, which could of course be a "dark attachment" or a demon. Black eyed children cannot enter your house unless invited. They will usually ask for help or to come in or tell you they are hungry. Lots of this stuff online. On the other hand they could be a demonic manifestation.

    Or you could be enjoying g exercising a great imagination on this blog. Either way, it is quite enjoyable. Keep writing. And feel free to delete this paragraph if you like. ~Heather

  2. Hi. I do not know a lot about the Supernatural but I have been co-hosti g and audio blog for a while now.
    If there have never been entities in your place of employment, you might have brought them. Where did you get them? I wager from your bag, which could of course be a "dark attachment" or a demon. Black eyed children cannot enter your house unless invited. They will usually ask for help or to come in or tell you they are hungry. Lots of this stuff online. On the other hand they could be a demonic manifestation.

    Or you could be enjoying g exercising a great imagination on this blog. Either way, it is quite enjoyable. Keep writing. And feel free to delete this paragraph if you like. ~Heather

  3. Oops I meant hag. I hate autocorrect sometimes!

  4. Yea all the blogs I put up are actual events that I have been through. Like I said in one blog I do not really like looking into this stuff, just makes it more real, I guess. I love the feedback thank you. I like everyone having their own conclusions to these events. I don't really like disproving stuff either, I like keeping the mystery or excitement of everyday boring life. Thank you for reading.

  5. Seen the pic and gave me chills. Hair on the back of your neck kinda thing. I suffer from sleep paralysis from what normal people tell me. After one night of pure terror trying to wake from a cloaked figure at the end of my bed..screams that probably became moans even though I tried. Brushed it off as a bad dream. Woke to take a piss and this little cunt was in my hallway in Indian position. Got angry, close to prove it didn't exist. The figure dissipated. I fear sleep to this day. Mental illness runs in my family. I hope this is it, makes it more comfortable to know I am just crazy. I have self medicated since. I am no junkie, but have done drugs to stay awake. I have not known true fear until this night.
