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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Sleep/Wake Paralysis


Well I have been holding on to my experiences with sleep paralysis. Don't know if any one will read this but here is my info and experiences with sleep paralysis. It feels pretty good getting this off my chest. This will be just some info about me. I have a lot of strange experiences with this phenomenon. If you are interested let me know in the comments and I will share many experiences. Ive never done this before, this is my very first blog.


     I have been dealing with sleep paralysis for as long as I can remember, it used to be a little better than it is now, only being paralyzed from time to time. A couple years ago I started experiencing it every time I slept. This means I would experience something every night, every nap of course some episodes more severe than others.  Every time I closed my eyes and experience anything close to sleep, I would experience something unusual, some times quick and easy; other times realistic and terrifying. It just happened so often I didn't really think much about it after a while, kind of just dreading having to go to sleep. It became apparent that nothing I could do would save me from having a restless terrifying night. So after a while I would try to mentally prepare myself going in, trying reassure myself that its's just a dream. Many of my friends and co-workers have little to no experience with sleep paralysis , so trying to discuss it with them really never got me anywhere. Many of the things I would see were shadow people and children, always surrounding me wherever I fell asleep be it the couch or bed. What really made me start questioning my sanity was noticing stuff in my room misplaced or moved. Majority of the time the child or black figure I would witness while being paralyzed would knock, kick various items in my room, also scatter and run around, hide in my closets. When the sun would come up and with it my bravery, I would see various items not where I had left them. I always just shook it off to my parents or siblings moving stuff while is slept. But now, years later, I have my own home and family, and these occurrences still continue to this day. 

    I have indulged into every aspect of sleep paralysis and still cannot prevent myself from sinking into it. I have experienced this phenomenon so much that I can willingly put myself into sleep paralysis. Of course I have only  tried this on separate occasion not really too fond of this ability. In addition I also found out that the best and quickest way for me to lets say "snap out of it" is to hold my breath, found out just by trial and error. Some people who I have talked to that also experience sleep paralysis have discussed looking at a clock, or trying to stare at their hands would do the trick. I have many experiences I would like to share, if this does well or if at least one person is interested in reading and discussing this more I will put out another blog of each of my other worldly experiences. Thank you for reading and goodnight.



  1. Just wrote a long explanation about myself and the entire post vanished...

  2. I have had these issues many times in life .. Can remember having them mostly during a nap .. But have had them during regular sleep also ..seems to happen a few minutes before I wake .. I think it has a lot to do with stress in life and current events that are going on in one life .. I also connect it with high blood pressure.. If your seeing little white dots or flashes of light out of the corners of your eyes ... That is a signal of extremely high blood pressure... Once I started taking blood pressure meds... Can't remember having many more dreams like this ..

  3. I have had these issues many times in life .. Can remember having them mostly during a nap .. But have had them during regular sleep also ..seems to happen a few minutes before I wake .. I think it has a lot to do with stress in life and current events that are going on in one life .. I also connect it with high blood pressure.. If your seeing little white dots or flashes of light out of the corners of your eyes ... That is a signal of extremely high blood pressure... Once I started taking blood pressure meds... Can't remember having many more dreams like this ..

  4. Just wrote a long explanation about myself and the entire post vanished...

  5. its still here. Yea it might be connected to stress I never really thought about it that way.

  6. I can't believe I found this blog. I thought I was the only one who experienced sleep paralysis. My experiences goes like this...its as if I have traveled to far out of my body while sleeping. When I return to my body I feel like I'm in a heavy suit of armor and a buzzing sound like electricity. I can feel and see, hear everything around me but I can't wake up. I try to yell for someone to wake me up. But it takes me forever to get my voice heard by whomever is around me at the time. I freak people out. Once someone has awaken me if I dont sit up and become completely conscious I fall right back into it again. I have felt something touching me or sitting next to me. I can't see them but I am totally aware that I'm not awake and I can see my surroundings but I can't move or speak. The entity or whatever it is touches me sometimes and I can hear and feel its breath. I hate when I'm alone and this happens because it takes me to long to wake myself up. What is this thing? Its been around since I can remember. If I was able to move in that state I would beat the fuck out of it. I'm not afraid of demons or ghosts because my strong faith in God. Trust me if I could move it wouldn't even come back around.

    1. Yea well the whole scientific explanation with REM sleep and stuff is that we rush out of sleep too fast. Basically we are aware of whats going on, but our brain is still releasing the chemical that paralyzes our body so we don't act out our dreams. So were awake but not really which allows these really vivid dreams to occur. What I don't understand is if we are still dreaming but aware of our surroundings is why are all these visions or occurrences terrifying. They are never pleasant for some reason. I haven't came across a person who experienced sleep paralysis and had a pleasant experience. Thats what I just don't get.
