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Thursday, August 20, 2015

This Is Me

Hi everyone just wanted to say a little something. My next blog will be put up hopefully tomorrow depending if I have can make time to finish typing it up. I realize that my blogs are not really the most proffesionaly written. I am in no shape or form a proffesional writer. Yes my grammar might suck and the sentences might go in everywhich way but these blogs are not made up and are not rehearsed in any way whatsoever. I type things as I remember them and type whatever thoughts I get while typing. My thoughts come in rapidly and so that is how I type. So I hope my blogs will not be compared to well written fictional or non-fictional story that someone took the time to come up or research and spent thd time checking grammar and sentence structers and all that. This is me, these are actual events in my life. Im not here to try to explain anything, I leave that up to you guys any assesments you make, or conclusions you get from my experiences are yours. I am just typing the events as they happend to me, Im not really into the whole spirit ghosts thing, I do find it interesting and Im not saying its not true, Im just in the middle, trying to keep the wonder in a boring everyday world alive if you will. I would like to think there is something out there we can't explain, something that lets us know theres more to this everyday world, that kinda fuzzes the lines of reality or at leasts wrinkles it from time to time. So please read and enjoy, make your assesments and conlusions on what you think these events are, and please remember that I am no pro at writting, you can contact me anytime, always love a good conversation.  Im just laying it out as it is, as it happened or is happening to me. So thank you for reading and goodnight.

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