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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Willing Terror Part 2.

                             Willing Terror 

Part 2

This is a continuation of Part 1. Thank you for reading..

I raised my hands and looked directly at them and just like that the scene that  I was dreaming about looked like it got ripped apart, like it was some background made of paper, and my dads living room came into focus. I was still staring at my hands, I could hear the rapid beating of my heart and with each deep, heavy thump I started breathing in slower and slower. My hands started to, what I could describe as disappearing, my palms were becoming see through and as the set of hands that were in front of me became more faint, I could see that my arms were now by my side as I lay normally. To my realization I could not move, of course the thought and images of that thing holding my arm came rushing through my head and a fierce vibration or white noise feeling immediately covered every part of my body. I wish it would just stop I had enough of this shit and fear turned into anger, I was literally angry just pure rage coming over me, I wanted to fight whatever was causing this. As soon as the anger and the thought of fighting came to mind, in a split second everything became quiet. I was again alone in this silent dream hell. I was facing the wall where my dad had his couch, I tried shoving my girlfriend and yelling “help, babe, wake up!” but of course nothing came out. While I was trying to wake up I started to hear faint coughing. Everything was silent except this distant couching and gasping. I tried to close my eyes but it was useless they would not shut. I looked around and I saw this fucking thing sitting on the couch it was pitch black, it looked like it was covered in charcoal. Its feet were splintered at the end of them, its thin legs also looked like it was made of black burnt wood pieces or something. Its head was what terrified me the most it looked cracked or broken with faint amber light coming through the cracks, It wasn't facing me, it was facing in the direction of my son. It kept coughing and gasping for air, its breaths were really rough like a horrible smokers throat. I screamed at it trying to get its attention, it flinched a little turning what I could only guess was its ear towards me. I yelled at it and and told it to leave, with all my might I tried to move but couldn’t. He didn't react or anything like it couldn't even hear me. This was all extremely real, I could swear if I tried hard enough I would be able to move or do something. All of a sudden my heart drops, it raises its thin, disgustingly burnt arm and points it at my son, I am literally scared to death. It goes to stand up, Im screaming and trying to kick stand up do something. For some reason I feel the faint emptiness in the back of my head, the same feeling I got going into sleep paralysis. I start concentrating on it trying to get it bigger. I don't really understand how this is happening since I am already in sleep paralysis, am I going deeper into this state of, I guess, being? The feeling starts to get bigger as this thing starts to advance towards my son. The feeling inside me started to grow, I think this thing could sense it, as the feeling grew stronger, the thing would walk slower, taking its paces slower. 
Movie: Insidious Part 1.
Finally I could feel it all over my body and in one swing motion with all my strength I try to move my arm and it shoots up. To my amazement I sit straight up and now Im staring directly at this thing! I yell at it one more time and I could hear my voice it echoes extremely loud I feel the whole apartment shake. It subsides and this thing turns and faces me. It had no face, It was just a round black hole that looked like a dying camp fire with the tips of some the splinters that made his whole body glowing. The best way I could explain is when you light a stick or log and you blow the flame out, there is this glow of the burned area and as you blow on it it gets brighter. I could see it breathing though all the little burnt out amber lights were slowly getting brighter and then dimmer. It was moving its head like it was taking in every detail of my face, I could smell it, it was like pure smoke, a burning sensation was filling my lungs until I couldn't take it anymore and I looked away and gasped for any fresh air not poisoned by this thing. As I took a deep breath in my eyes were watery and I turned quickly around, knowing I would have to face this thing again, slowly I turned my head and it was gone. My body suddenly felt extremely heavy, it felt like my core that allowed me to sit up was straining from all the weight and slowly I started to fall back down on back until I was completely flat and thats when I heard an ear splitting screech and my eyes shot open.

Thank god I was finally awake, the nightmare was over and I could go on and sleep. Of course I couldn’t, or didn't want to, I stood up and walked over to where this thing was sitting down at, examining it I don’t remember why, I mean thinking for one second that it was actually real makes me feel silly now. I guess I was just looking for some kind of evidence, these sleep paralysis episodes felt so real that maybe they could manipulate reality in some way. Which again feels like really silly again thinking about this now, but I was just straight out of sleep and wasn't really thinking straight.  

This is the first account of me ever being able to put myself into sleep paralysis, and also the first time I can remember ever being able to move in the frightening hell that is my sleep paralysis.  By far the most terrifying, I think because I didn’t personally felt in danger but I did feel like it was going to harm my son. Again its only a dream and it might seem sill to feel these emotions but when your in the moment of sleep paralysis it feels extremely real, the thought of this is just a dream doesn't cross your mind. Thank you everybody for reading.

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