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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Missing Boot

Missing Boot

    This happened at the same house we were staying in for a couple of months, the one I mentioned in the other blog. This has nothing to do with sleep paralysis like my other blogs but it just something strange that happened to me and my girlfriend in that house. Something quick it won't be as long as my other blogs. 

    Well me and my girlfriend were going to have the whole day to ourselves her grandparents were taking our kids out to watch a movie or something, and we were going to go on a little date. This was pretty awesome since we didn't get much alone time together. So we planned out our night and decided to go walk around the mall and then have dinner at red lobster, her favorite place. Well our little date was finished and we decided to go back to the house. Full and bloated we waddled into the house and noticed no one was home, we looked around and nothing. We called to see how everything was going with the kids and they were all about the go in and watch a movie. Knowing we were alone but to bloated to do anything sexual we sank into the nearest couch we kicked off our shoes and put them under the living room table by our feet because of the dogs. Her grandma owns like 5 little yappie dogs that love taking shit and putting them under the bed and couch, so we were guarding our shoes but still relaxing. We watched tv for a little bit and I got bored of the tv show we were watching I forgot what it was about. I went to sit on the computer directly next to the couch we were sitting in. 

  The only thing between the living room and dining area where the computer was, was a big book shelf. It wasn't really full so you could still see through it, at some points the shelved would be completely empty. So there was some visibility but not a lot, I could definitely see a person if they were walking or sitting in the living room though. Well I started browsing the internet nothing special and I wanted to stretch my legs and get some air. I called my girlfriend over and asked her if she wanted to go walk around the park for a bit. She gave me the really, physical activity, look. I told her yeah just me and her walking around the park. 

As we were talking I was about to say something when we heard a click and a second later the living room light went off. We just stood there like what the hell. I told her I had heard it click right before it went off, she said she did too. As if someone stood there pulled the light chain and turned the living room light off, we were alone in the house. She slowly walked over there and I told her the light must have burnt out and thats what the little click sound we heard was. She told me she was going to pull the bead chain to see if it turned back on A part of me just wanted to leave it at that, the bulb burnt out, now lets go on our way. Something told me it was more than that, she walked over slowly, as if it were alive and if she moved slow enough it would lash out and bite, I had a feeling she too wanted the light to be burnt out. She pulled the chain and *click* the light turns on and floods the room. She looks back at me with a "Are you seeing this" face. I said "holy shit" and just sat there smiling like what the hell just happened, dumbfounded.  I guess we both didn't want to make a big deal out of it we just left it at that. We decided to go to the park and we began to get ready. I went and put my shoes on and went into the kitchen to get something to drink. I seen her scurrying around looking for something. I asked her if she misplaced her purse or phone or something. She told me her boot was missing. I went and looked under the living room table and sure enough it was gone. I told her that it would happened if she wasn't careful, the dogs love shoes. So we began looking for it under the couch under the beds in the different rooms, kitchen next the the food bowls, doggy doors anywhere the dogs could've taken the boot. We could not find it anywhere, I walked by the bathroom a thousand times and in the different rooms, even started asking the little dogs where they took the boot to. It was no where to be found. I told her they must have taken it to the back yard and to just get another pair. I walked in one last time into her grandmas room just stood in the door way looking around the floor and nothing. For whatever reason I looked around and her boot caught my eye. It was on top of a fucking treadmill. I could've believe it, no dog could've put it up there, no way. 

Im 6 ft the treadmill was folded not laid out to run on, but folded and it reached a little above my shoulder. There was literally no explanation on how the boot got there. I called over to my girlfriend and without wanting to touch the boot I pointed to where it was. She gasped and jokingly slapped my shoulder telling me to cut it out, that I had put it up there. I looked at her and said I swear to god that I didn't touch it. I put it on everything, I told her that I didn't touch it before and I wasn't going to be touching it now "go get your own boot" I said. We were still going wtf in our heads kind of just laughing it off. We could not think of how the boot got from under the table and onto the folded up treadmill. She jokingly said it was the little girl that died there. I told her to shut up not wanting to think about it, knowing I would be back hours later to go to sleep in the same house. 

   Overall I thought it was really weird I mean what are the odds a poltergeist living there in the house. I remember reading somewhere that poltergeists weren't actually ghosts but beings from another dimension or something like that. I mean if anybody has an explanation to how this happened I would like to know. Neither of touched our shoes since we took them off. I mean it never occurred to us to check them right after the light got turned off, someone pulled the chain we could here it clearly. Anyways yea thats just another little something that happened to me at that house pertaining to the whole haunted thing. I mean they did tell me a bunch of other stuff that would happen but I never really saw it with my or was there so I won't go into too much detail. If anyone wants another little short blog like this one just explaining all the events they would tell me let me know in the comments or message me. I would love to share but since it isn't really a life experience of I mine I won't tell you guys, of course if you message me letting me know you would like to know about the weird stuff they would say happened at this house comment or message me. 

     As always guys thanks for reading, if you enjoy reading my blogs please comment and share them to family, friends, co-workers etc. I would appreciate that a lot. Any questions feel free to comment or message me privately my email is, thank you everybody. 

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