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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Missing 411 By David Paulides

Missing 411

Where did they go?

   So I have been reading this series of books one of my friends had recommended to me. These are extremely interesting and leave it open to everyones interpretation or conclusions. Im straying away from the usual subject matter of my blogs to share this with everybody. I personally really enjoy these books for the strange occurrences mixed with our real world. These are non-fiction books, they are facts and research accumulated over the years by the author David Paulides. 
    These series of books are written by David Paulides a retired police officer turned investigator, he follows and puts together a series of mysterious missing people cases around the United States. He quickly found a pattern with these missing person cases, they all revolved around U.S national parks. Literally clusters of missing people around these huge parks. Not only did he find clusters of missing people but also as he dug into the missing persons cases and reviewed the evidence and details, he found similar descriptions of how these people went missing. For example, many of the missing people in these books were children. If found, fortunately, when looked at the time they went missing to the time they were found, these kids traveled an impossible amount of distance. We are talking about 3-6 year olds walking through extremely dense forest and deadly swamps for miles in no time at all.

In addition, each and every person found cannot remember how they just wandered off and got lost. Each person explained how they blacked out and then came to seconds before being found. Another strange thing is when children were found or sometimes, unfortunately, when their bodies were found, they would be in a place already scouted and searched by park rangers and volunteers. How is this possible? There are plenty more very strange, I guess, coincidences in these books, or are they?

"Major news organizations do a deplorable job of covering
stories and issues which are deemed too unusual
or too far outside the box. Chances are, they will find a way

to trivialize or ignore the disturbing evidence accumulated

by David Paulides, a former lawman turned investigative

journalist. The paper trail uncovered by Paulides through

sheer doggedness is impressive, the evidence indisputable.
People are vanishing without a trace from our national
parks and forests, yet government agencies are saying nothing.
At a minimum, this story deserves space on the front
page of every newspaper in the country, and it warrants a
formal high level inquiry by the federal agencies whose files
leave little doubt that something very strange is unfolding
in our wilderness."

                                                                                             George Knapp, Host, Coast to Coast AM
 Moreover, many of the searches were delayed due to very heavy rain and storms coming out of nowhere seconds after the person goes missing. Search dogs not being able to track anything, some seemed like they were hesitant or didn't want to follow the trail for some reason. Im telling you guys if this interests you pick up the Missing 411 books your in for one hell of a trip.
The books are called Missing 411, they go as follow

1. Missing 411: Eastern U.S

2. Missing 411: Western U.S

3. Missing 411: North America and Beyond

4. Missing 411: The Devil's in the Detail

5. Missing 411: A Sobering Coincidence

All the books are excellent reads, if you try to purchase them from amazon or any where else they can get pretty expensive. I suggest you get them off his personal website  here. For those of you who have read these books what do you think? Is there something out there that does not like us, why mostly children? Any ways let me know what you think down below. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.